Seattle Public Schools

Student Civil Rights

How to Report a Discrimination Concern

SPS Non-Discrimination Complaint Procedure

Non-Discrimination Statement

Seattle Public Schools, SPS, provides Equal Educational Opportunities and Equal Employment Opportunities and does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex; race; creed; color; religion; ancestry; national origin; age; economic status; sexual orientation, including gender expression or identity; pregnancy; marital status; physical appearance; the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability; honorably discharged veteran or military status; or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal. SPS还为男童军和其他指定的青年团体提供平等的机会.

What is discrimination?
歧视是指因为某人或某一群体属于某一特定群体而对其进行不公平或非法的对待, known as a protected class. 歧视可能包括区别对待一个人或拒绝某人参加某个项目, service, or activity because they are part of a protected class, or failing to accommodate a person’s disability. 歧视性骚扰是基于受保护阶层的口头或身体骚扰.

What is a protected class?
受保护阶层是一群具有共同特征的人,他们受到联邦政府的保护,不受歧视和骚扰, state, or local laws. 十大正规网赌软件的受保护班级是上述非歧视声明中确定的那些群体, such as sex, race, etc.

Student, Family, and Community Discrimination Concerns

For students, parents/caregivers, and members of the public, 学生民权办公室已被指定处理有关十大正规网赌软件涉嫌歧视的问题和投诉;

  • Office of Student Civil Rights,, or 206-252-0306
  • Mailing Address: Seattle Public Schools, MS 32-149, P.O. Box 34165, Seattle, WA 98124-1166

You can also contact:

Employee Discrimination Concerns

针对员工提出的有关残疾方面的问题或要求及/或有关歧视的投诉, including sexual harassment, contact

职员亦可使用卫生服务及卫生服务署的歧视投诉表格(表格连结见下一节),以书面方式提出投诉. The use of a particular form is optional and not required. Employees should submit the written complaint to the following:

  • Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources,, 206-252-0024 or
  • Mailing Address: Seattle Public Schools, Mailstop 33-157, P.O. Box 34165, Seattle, WA 98124-1166

Discrimination Complaint Procedure

如果您认为您或您的孩子在学校受到歧视或歧视性骚扰, you have the right to file a formal complaint.

Discrimination Complaint Procedures English

SPS Discrimination Complaint Form (English) – translations available below

Before filing a formal complaint, you may want to discuss your concerns with your child’s principal or Seattle Public Schools Ombudsperson. This is often the fastest way to resolve your concerns.

这也可能导致无法通过正式投诉程序获得解决方案. OSCR工作人员可以与您讨论这一步,包括解决方案,可能是什么样子的.

在大多数情况下,投诉必须在歧视事件发生之日起一年内提出. A complaint must be in writing, describe what happened, and state why you believe it is discrimination. 包括你希望地区采取什么行动来解决你的投诉也是有帮助的. 有些投诉可能会被认为是不完整的,直到我们收到已签署的确认书及授权书,准许我们披露你的身份及调查你的投诉. Complaints may be submitted by mail, email, or hand delivery to any District or school administrator, the Office of Student Civil Rights, or Human Resources.

When the school district receives your written complaint, 您将获得一份学区歧视投诉程序的副本. 学生民权或人力资源办公室将确保学区进行迅速彻底的调查. You may also agree to resolve your complaint without an investigation.

学区必须在收到您的投诉后30个日历日内以书面形式答复您, 除非你同意另定日期或有与投诉有关的特殊情况需要延长时限. If the complaint takes more than 30 calendar days, 您将收到书面通知,说明延期的原因和预计的答复日期.


  1. A summary of the results of the investigation;
  2. 该地区是否未能遵守与您的投诉有关的民权要求;
  3. Notice of your right to appeal, including where and to whom the appeal must be filed; and
  4. Any corrective measures determined necessary to correct any noncompliance.

如果你不同意学区的决定,你可以向十大赌博正规平台在线上诉. 你必须在收到学区对你的投诉的答复后10个日历天内向十大赌博正规平台在线秘书提交书面上诉通知.

十大赌博正规平台在线将在收到你的上诉后的20个日历天内安排听证会, unless you agree on a different timeline. 在听证会上,你可以带证人或其他与你的上诉有关的资料.

十大赌博正规平台在线将在学区收到您的上诉通知后的30个日历日内向您发送书面决定. 十大赌博正规平台在线的决定将包括如何向OSPI提出投诉的信息.

If you do not agree with the school district’s appeal decision, 你可以向公共教育监督办公室(OSPI)投诉。. 投诉必须在您收到地区上诉决定后的20个日历日内提交给OSPI.

You may send your complaint to OSPI by:

  • email:
  • fax: 360-664-2967
  • Mail:
    • OSPI Equity and Civil Rights Office
      PO Box 47200
      Olympia, WA 98504-7200

Discrimination Complaint Forms Translations


Discrimination Complaint Procedures Amharic
SPS Complaint Form Amharic


Discrimination Complaint Procedures Chinese
SPS Complaint Form Chinese


Discrimination Complaint Procedures Somali
SPS Complaint Form Somali


Discrimination Complaint Procedures Spanish
SPS Complaint Form Spanish


Discrimination  Complaint Procedures Tagalog
SPS Complaint Form Tagalog


Discrimination Complain Procedures Vietnamese
SPS Complaint Form Vietnamese